How to plot position(x y z) and velocity of fixed frames(end-effector) in rqt ??
hi . i want plot position and velocity of end effector that have fixed joint using rqt. How to plot position(x y z) and velocity of fixed frames(end-effector) in rqt ??
View ArticleHow to plot position(x y z) of frames(end-effector) in rqt ??
hi . i have a arm robot like this. ![image description]( how can i plot position(x y z) for end-effector in rqt ??
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Hey everyone, how i can tell AMCL the position of my laserscanner? the sensor is not in the centre of the robot. so everytime the robot turns, the amcl loses the orientation. Thank you very much! Link
View ArticleHow to get joint position(x,y,z) of a robotic arm
I know that I can get joint angles of each joint from /joint_state topic of a urdf robotics arm. How to get a joint position(x,y,z) of each joint.Whether there is any other topic publishing it?
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I want write a certern link position(x,y,z) to a txt file.Which function do i need? Where does the date of link's position store?THX!!
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I downloaded these codes from the link!topic/brr-users first code import argparse import sys import rospy from geometry_msgs.msg...
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Dear Ros User, as information I have a marker ARROW defined as starting point and end point. I would like to represent the same information as geometry_msgs::Pose, so basically I would need to get...
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Hi all, Can I directly use the joinstate.position[i] for rotation or should there be some processing when rotating successive joints other than the first one? This is with reference to forward...
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Hello all, I have a nanotec integrated servo controller (the PD6-CB87S048030-E-09), with support for CanOpen in DS402 profile. I am wondering about the cyclic synchronous position mode, which is...
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Hello Guys, I run ros Kinetic with gazebo 7.0. My project is a turtlebot who should drive to several objects and try to push them away after a try he should drive to the middle of the room again and...
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I tried to control my own robot arm using moveit by canopen protocol, but my driver is not supported to use interpolate position mode, which is mode 7. It only has profiled position mode, profiled...
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As we all know. Gmapping uses /odom and /scan information to create a map. But when the robot is walking. It will encounter some pits causing odom error. Because the odom error, robot's position will...
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Hy community! I am writing my thesis at the university about **Localization and navigation of ARDrone 2.0**. I have read all of the available topics and documentations for the ros support of ardrone,...
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currently running ubuntu 16.04, ros kinetic, using gazebo 7 simulation with a sawyer (intera 5.2), running kinect camera. I want to take a point from a point cloud (type `PointCloud2`) taken from the...
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Hi, I would like to know if there is a method to calculate the position of a robot based on angular velocity and accelerations. I would like, from a start position, to move my robot and, based on...
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Hi I would like to tell the turtle sim to go to random coordinates from 0 to 10 in loop. For instance go to x,y then pause for a few seconds then go to a different x and y. I tried changing the script...
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Hi, I have a lab setup in urdf, which I am using in RViz / MoveIt!. Based on the real world calibration, I would like to move some objects a bit (a table with an offset). The link is connected to the...
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When using `static_transform_publisher`, attempting to link to coordinate systems via a common frame the publisher removes the link from one tree and places it in the other. This happens both with `tf`...
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Dear community, COARSE PROBLEM DEFINITION: I want to use the system (ROS+GAZEBO) as simulation environment for image based machine learning. Therefore I tried both having a camera on a robot and having...
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