Hi I would like to tell the turtle sim to go to random coordinates from 0 to 10 in loop. For instance go to x,y then pause for a few seconds then go to a different x and y. I tried changing the script go_to_goal but it keeps going in circle. Any suggestions? Thanks in advance
>>>>>>> class turtlebot():
>> def __init__(self):
> #Creating our node,publisher and subscriber
> rospy.init_node('turtlebot_controller', anonymous=True)
> self.velocity_publisher = rospy.Publisher('/turtle1/cmd_vel', Twist, queue_size=10)
> self.pose_subscriber = rospy.Subscriber('/turtle1/pose', Pose, self.callback)
> self.pose = Pose()
> self.rate = rospy.Rate(10)
>> #Callback function implementing the pose value received
> def callback(self, data):
> self.pose = data
> self.pose.x = round(self.pose.x, 4)
> self.pose.y = round(self.pose.y, 4)
>> def get_distance(self, goal_x, goal_y):
> distance = sqrt(pow((goal_x - self.pose.x), 2) + pow((goal_y - self.pose.y), 2))
> return distance
>> def move2goal(self):
>> goal_pose = Pose()
> goal_pose.x = randint(1, 10)
> goal_pose.y = randint(1, 10)
> distance_tolerance = 0.1
> vel_msg = Twist()
>>>> while sqrt(pow((goal_pose.x - self.pose.x), 2) + pow((goal_pose.y - self.pose.y), 2)) >= distance_tolerance:
>> #Porportional Controller
> #linear velocity in the x-axis:
> vel_msg.linear.x = 1.5 * sqrt(pow((goal_pose.x - self.pose.x), 2) + pow((goal_pose.y - self.pose.y), 2))
> vel_msg.linear.y = 0
> vel_msg.linear.z = 0
>> #angular velocity in the z-axis:
> vel_msg.angular.x = 0
> vel_msg.angular.y = 0
> vel_msg.angular.z = 4 * (atan2(goal_pose.y - self.pose.y, goal_pose.x - self.pose.x) - self.pose.theta)
>> #Publishing our vel_msg
> self.velocity_publisher.publish(vel_msg)
> self.rate.sleep()
> time.sleep(2)
> goal_pose.x = randint(1, 10)
> goal_pose.y = randint(1, 10)
>> rospy.loginfo("stopping")
> # Stopping our robot after the movement is over
> vel_msg.linear.x = 0
> vel_msg.angular.z = 0
> self.velocity_publisher.publish(vel_msg)
>>> rospy.loginfo("x: " + str(goal_pose.x) + "y: " + str(goal_pose.y))
>>> self.pose.x = goal_pose.x
> self.pose.y = goal_pose.y
>>> rospy.spin()
>> if __name__ == '__main__':
> try:
> #Testing our function
> x = turtlebot()
> x.move2goal()
>> except rospy.ROSInterruptException: pass
[C:\fakepath\Screenshot from 2018-12-04 13-30-53.png](/upfiles/15439303487895784.png)