robot position and minimal distance to an obsacle
Hello I want to ask some question regarding robot position and orientation in the space and his minimal distance to some obstacle point. I want to calculate a minimal distance between the robot and...
View Articlehow to move to a specific postion
Hello All I am using Ros to command Gazebo. I have already incorporated the DiffDrive Plugin and used it to drive it around; and I have also write a rosnode to send out cmd_vel topic command. The next...
View ArticleCan't get correct position of ARMarkers
Hi everyone! I'm using ar_pose to identify some markers. It identifies the markers correctly (pattern 1, 2, etc.), but their positions are not very good. The distance is not being correctly assigned. I...
View Article[Navigation] problem: how to go to a specific location?
Hello all My goal is to move my robot in gazebo to a specific location {x,y,z} coordinate. I have already investigated the navigation stack. Are there any easier way to archeive this goal? Thank you all!
View ArticleAny pkg which computes position from IMU
Hi I was wondering if anyone can point me to ros package which can compute position from IMU. I guess by integrating the linear acceleration, one could get that, but wanted to know if there is a...
View Articlemove_base start position is off the global costmap
Hi all, after following this tutorial and run rviz when I try to give a 2d nav goal in the map the shell output this error:...
View Articleamcl does not need odometry data?
I'm reading [amcl]( document on ROS Wiki. In its subscribed topics there is not odometry topic, why? It works only with laser? **Subscribed Topics:** scan...
View Articlear_pose : interprete output of 'ar_pose_marker' && transform
Hello. I want to track a object that is moving inside a room and color the pixel in the cam-image, where the object has moved to. Instead of detect colors etc. I want to do this with markers from...
View ArticleWay less position cordinates after running amcl node
I have a bag file that contains about 4K `/scan` messages, after running `amcl` node, `amcl_pose` output messages are about 27, why? How can I gave more outputs for `amcl_pose`?
View ArticlePosition in gazebo
I made a client, but when I rosrun it, I do not get any errors but I do not get either what I want. #include "ros/ros.h" #include "gazebo_msgs/SetModelState.h" #include "gazebo_msgs/GetModelState.h"...
View ArticlePositioning multi-robot on static map
Hi, I make a package with two Turtlebots and share a static map on Gazebo. My problem is that I can positionning Turtlebots where I want on a static global map. I use GMapping and MoveBase and I try to...
View Articleposition of ar_alvar markers on Baxter robot
Hi, I am new to ROS and I try to detect the position of AR alvar markers in a video stream coming from a Baxter robot. For that I use the following command: rosrun ar_track_alvar...
View Articlerosrun tf tf_echo /map /base_link VS. Coding implementation.
Hi, I want to calculate robot's current position with respect to the map. **Following is my "rosrun tf view_frames"** [tf tree]( I have tried...
View ArticleBaxter Robot get_current_position() of MoveGroupCommander is wrong
Hi, I am currently working with a Baxter robot and the Python MoveGroupCommander. It seems to me that the get_current_pose() method gives me false results. I runned the following example program and...
View ArticleModify position in hector_mapping code?
Hi guys, As the question suggests I am trying to modify the HectorMappingRos.cpp/.h from the hector_mapping package and in particular the position used by the mapping function. My problem is that when...
View ArticleConversion Position to float
I got in a variable Position (which I get from transform.getOrigin) and I want to convert it in a pair of float. How can I do that? I'm in Hydro, Ubuntu 12.04 and programming in c++
View ArticleHow do i use ros TF to capture object position based on colour and calculate...
Hi im currently doing position detection. By using Opencv color(red) detection i detect the red object and now i want to publish it in the tf and show where and the distance between the object and camera.
View ArticlePosition of a point on expanding map of GMapping
Hi, I am trying something and I need some help. I have two robots which are mapping the same environment by using separate GMapping algorithms and building separate maps. During the mapping process, I...
View ArticlePosition recognition with Kinect
Hi, I’m working on body position recognition using Kinect and openni_tracker, specifically the origin points (x, y and z) of the transformations (head, torso, elbow, hand…) given by the tracker. I have...
View ArticleI wang to find the specific data of velocity and position
Hi everyone: I use moveit for my own robot arm.In the Rviz I have my URDF to display already. I want to get the motion information from some topic ,just like the topic /joint_states or /tf. If this...
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